IGCA (Industry Guru Certified Administrator)

Welcome to the our Industry Certified exam, or the IGCA (Industry Guru Certified Administrator) exam, which will ensure you are aware and up to date of the latest conventions, technology, how to apply these in various situations, and many other relevant questions. Currently we only offer the IGCA exam which is IT only, but we are expanding our training and will be offering other industry relevant certifications.

This exam is there to show employers that you know what you are talking about in an ever changing industry where you need to adapt quickly. It is not an easy exam. At a minimum, you should set aside 180 minutes to complete this test. Once the timer has reached 0, you will not be allowed to take this exam for another week.

Topics covered in this exam :

  • Terraform/Cloudformation
  • CI/CD Pipelines
  • GIT (Bitbucket, Gitlab, Github)
  • AWS
  • Python
  • Networking

Make sure you are well versed in the above topics before attempting the exam. After 10 attempts the exam will not be available to you anymore.

Once completed you will get a mail with your results. If you passed, you will get a certificate with your name and results on it, which you can then display on your LinkedIn. You can check a certificate status here

IGCA (Industry Guru Certified Administrator)