
We provide certification for the training we provide (IGCA, ATS training, course, vendor etc) where you will get our own badge and certification for our trainings, as well as be prepared for vendor certification requirements. We have many years of certification experience and can guide you through the pitfalls of how to get ready for any of the major vendor certifications.

  • ICGA training and certification. Industry standard certification which is quickly becoming a prerequisite from companies. It shows you are a seasoned professional and can be trusted with complex IT systems.
  • ATS training and Certification. Training for employers and recruitment teams to use our own platform and built in ATS system.
  • Vendor training. We provide training for all major certifications (Arista, Juniper, Cisco, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Alibaba etc).
  • We provide both online courses as well as in house training as well as certifications for those courses. We can cater for multi day events and large groups.
  • SkillStack subscription and certification service. Our bi-annual service to make sure your company’s tech stack is aligned with your employees skillset and the certification to proof it to your auditors that your company is in good health.